Why numbers don’t matter

1 min readMar 5, 2016


I see a lot of hacks; how to get more views, how to write headlines, how to grow your audience, things to do before x o’clock and on and…

I wonder. What’s the point? What’s your true motivation? Why do you write and share your work publicly? My guess is if you’re doing it for the numbers you’re probably in it for the wrong reasons and the quality of what you put out will suffer.

To rehash an observation from the greatest copywriter of all time, Claude Hopkins, the best writing is the writing that doesn’t feel like it’s trying to convince you it’s the best writing. It just is.

Step into the shoes of your reader for a minute – why do they spend their time reading you? Answer this and you’ll deliver more value than any hack or tactic could ever deliver.

The fixation on metrics and stats is really rather short-termist and quite boring, for it informs us only about trends and doesn’t really say much about quality. We write, as writers because it is our calling. Sometimes more will read, sometimes less. The sooner we accept this the sooner we can free ourselves to focus on what matters.




English. Lives in Tbilisi. Contributor to Renegade Inc. Loves channeling ideas and serving good coffee.